

We have opened the Professional Kinesiologist Certification Workshop for candidates to take a Certified Professional Kinesiologist Qualification Exam.

A Certified Professional Kinesiologist (CPK) is a health professional who evaluates physical fitness and analyzes the process of movement to find the problem in physical activity so they can develop and monitor effective and safe exercise programs for health promotion, disease prevention, injury prevention, physical training, and performance rehabilitation while studying Kinesiology.

As the CPK certification was created to integrate the qualification systems administrated by ACSM, NSCA, and NATA, a CPK will be expected to perform the roles of multiple specialists, such as a personal trainer, a health fitness instructor, an exercise physiologist, a strength and conditioning specialists, a physical trainer, an athletic trainer, and a kinesiotherapist.


(47384) Busan Jingu-gaya-daero 548th Street 120. 4th floor
E-mail: tomec@hanmail.net
